Pillowcases | Oxford Pillowcases | Housewife Pillowcases | Pillowcases by Linen Cupboard Yorkshire

Pillowcases | Housewife or Oxford



      Pillowcases sit around your pillows (and protectors) and add a luxury sleeping surface for you to rest your head on. We offer two styles: Housewife and Oxford Edge.

      Housewife Pillowcases. This is the most commonly used pillowcase style. Perfect for modern, minimalistic bedrooms as well as more traditional settings. Favoured because of its ease of use, this rectangular pillow cover features an open end with an interior flap used to keep the pillow tucked neatly inside.

      Oxford Edge Pillowcases. A more decorative alternative to housewife pillowcases. Oxford pillowcases are often used when a more lavish look is required. They feature a fabric border that frames the pillowcase, making your pillows look much larger and plumper. Oxford pillowcases have an open end, much like the housewife style, so it’s easy to pop your pillow in and out when changing your bed linen. 

      Standard & Specialist Sizes. We supply both Oxford and Housewife pillowcases in standard size and can also offer specialist sizes including King Size / Super King Size Pillowcases, Bolster Pillowcases, Square Pillowcases, V Shape Pillowcases and even Emperor & Large Emperor Pillowcases.

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